The biggest thing I'm hoping to add to the blog in the upcoming season is some multimedia content. Things like game highlights, post-game player comments, that kind of stuff. At least from the home games and maybe the games from Fairbanks. Road games would be kind of tough barring a sudden financial windfall in the next couple of months. Also, one of the first things you'll be seeing from me, hopefully in a day or two, is an update on the Seawolf alums playing professional hockey around the world. I've been working trying to find everybody, from Curtis Glencross in Calgary to Peter Cartwright and Blair Tassone in Holland. I'll be keeping that updated as time goes on and let's all hope that the list grows over time. Beyond that, statistical analysis will be my other main thing to add, hopefully going beyond whether or not we're leading the NCAA in penalty minutes (This last season we did by the way, 762 PIM or 21.2 PIM/G).
Other than that, I'll be adding in some opinions and amateur (emphasis on amateur) analysis on the team and program like Donald does. Also, I'll have some off-topic things to add as well. Just expect mine to be a lot more nerdy and a lot less political, I'm not the raging socialist Donald is and I just really don't care. Plus the NHL playoffs and the World Hockey Championships are coming up here soon so that'll be something to talk about as well.
I'll be adding stuff here soon. Until then, here's Reg Dunlop's opinion on Lady of Spain...
Welcome aboard JJ finally someone I can understand ;)
Good on ya.
Nils Backstrom ATO with the Aces
Great news, intresting to see if you have the chops JimJamesAk, hope you do.
rumour is Bruijstin is going back to Europe to play next season.
*Sigh* Waiting for the other shoe to drop.
There will be a shoe or two to drop.
Channel 2 news just reported that the Aces signed Backstrom.
Word to JJ, offseason ramblings could include World Cup Soccer.
As for any current UAA player leaving early or transferring, well it doesn't surprise me. Can't blame Christensen, or Baldwin.
Hope and Change, Hope and Change. It's a mantra used last year by a community organizer. Can a UAA fan hope for that kinda hope and change for their team?
Can't blame Christianson, and I don't. However, he would have been in a sweet position as a senior next season. Oh well.
Real nice article in the Fairbanks paper on UA_. Wish we had a writer like that for the Daily News.
Just wishing.
Hi Jim nice to meet you and I look forward
to your helping DD out.
I heard the hockey banquet is on
wednesday. Will you guys be attending?
Go Seawolves!! Man, I am soooooo
looking forward to next season already
A Seawolf fan.
My husband and I usually attend the banquet, but tickets have always been included free at our booster level. Not this year, they are $45 EACH. We won't be going. Sad.
the athletic admin just does not get it.
I've heard talk of Olthuis to Idaho Steelheads of the ECHL, but can't find any evidence. They have two very good goalies so I wonder if this is true?
Heard Luka might be gone to.
Rumor has it everyone left, the players, the coaches, the athletics department, the fans.....wait...a few of us are still here, never mind.
They have an athletic dept? ;)
According to the AHL transaction log,today Dion Knelsen signed with Peoria in the AHL, but was put on loan to the Alaska Aces. His bro signed on with the Idaho team, as well as Dustin Molle.
Where is Luka going?
If Luka goes we are totally screwed along with Bryce.
If Luka goes, someone will be there to fill his skates. Will they be as good, right away, as Luka? Maybe, maybe not. If Bryce goes, someone else will be there to tend net. Will they be as good, right away, as Bryce? Maybe, maybe not. Point is, if they don't want to be here, they shouldn't be here. I'm cheering for the green and gold, no matter who is wearing the jersey.
Other thoughts...
Good for the boys who have gone pro. Nils, Jonny, Kevin, Josh, Trevor, Dion, Brandon, Dustin. Good to see them move ahead, even if some of them are in a stupid Aces jersey.
Speaking of the Aces, the whining continues over the alleged disrespect of the Sully, sending them to the Menard Arena in Wasilla. Hey Aces, it was your LEAGUE that screwed you, not the arena. My, how the mighty have fallen! AND, wouldn't it be a hoot if they DIDN'T make the playoffs?
All that whining and complaining over NOTHING! Can't wait to see that!
Luka and Mitch aren't going anywhere. They might be playing in the World Championships coming up soon for their respective countries, but they will be back. Hope they both get a chance to play for their countries because both of their team's Pools are in their home towns!
If you look at our roster and possible lines, the freshman espically under Shyiak are gonna get massive ice time, therefore were are totally screwed if Luka and Bryce leave. If they don't want to be here well good luck in your future.
If Luka leaves well then either Scott Warner,(hasn't played in 3 years starting day next season) Curtis Leinweber would be a fine starting D but top D pair? He's more suited to play 2nd or F. Or that leaves transfer Brad Gorham who I think has the intenstiy and the desire to play top D pair. Or Drew Darwitz who played in every other game for us and is still transitioning to WCHA play. So that only leaves 3 Seawolves D who have played WCHA competition. And yeah, we have two great sounding D's coming in: Quinn Sproule and Wes McLeod. We are gonna be very thin on D with Vidmar and if he leaves well were screwed untill McLeod and Sproule come up to speed with WCHA play.
And, sadly it would be devastating if Bryce leaves because we will have two freshman G's with our third G Dusan Sidor who is a sophmore? with limited G experince in the WCHA.
The most absolute worst case scenario could happen if Luka, and Bryce leave us. So please do not, next season could be ruined in the first few weeks if you guys leave. People can stand up but then who will step up for the guys that have steped up? And, so on and so forth. UAA coaching staff you need to do whatever it takes to keep Luka and Bryce if they want to be at UAA.
Some kids who are just thinking about settling to play for UAA that I've talked to though I'd say the chances are slim:
Codey Hanson F
Jack Cronin F
Austin Sture F/D
Jack Johnson F/D
The best recruit would be Johnson as he's showing to be a very dynamic puck mover in the CIC, a few years of high school and junior's and he looks like a solid recruit without much downside whose from Anchorage.
Just letting everybody know.
Kane with Gorham or Kane with Leinweber would be a solid top pairing if Luka does leave. I still like Curtis as forward though as he has that spark we'll need this season. The biggest concern this year will be goaltending. Again.
To A Seawolf Fan...These young men have along way to go before being able to play in the WCHA and at UAA. All of those players named will have to be top players on there Junior teams and in what ever legit tier 1 or 2 junior League they can play in. One thing for sure is that the players from Alaska playing now for the Seawolves had that one thing in common.They were all Top players for there Junior teams and some were in the upper echleon of there league at there prospective position. The players you named have yet to make a Junior team so the reality of them playing Division 1 college anywhere is very slim based on current numbers of Alaskans playing Div 1 nationally. Most of the top players in there age group have made the commitment and have already moved outside and are competing against National caliber competition to prepare for Juniors. The players who stayed enjoyed an excellent Highschool experience but the fact remains that they are well behind the eightball because of the caliber of competition locally in the CIC stalls developement because of most of the top players leaving early. The level of competition isnt here locally. Its hard to listen to them saying they will "settle" for UAA when even that is going to be a longshot at best because there are almost 2500 players playing Junior hockey and about maybee 250 or less move on yearly to D 1... Those are the numbers..Thats the reality for those trying to move on. Its that tough.
Lee Baldwin sighting in the AHL, playing tonight, so far after the first period, its plus 1, but no shots, no penalty minutes.
Warner hasnt played for one year people.... and he will be a solid addition next, and dont be surprised to see him play in every situation in every game. Also Luka will be back. Same with Mitch. And I dont know how people can say "settle" for UAA. Just because UAA hasnt been strong the past few years doesnt mean they are not a DI school, which means they arent going to "settle" for any local kid that wants to call the coach to ask to "tryout". Its a lot tougher than that. Most kids that play D1 hockey leave at 15 or 16 to play juniors.
Anyone, or should I say anyone's parents, who think UAA is a program to "settle" for is in for a rude awakening. Local parents always think their kid is better than he is...goes with the territory. But looking at the Cook Inlet Conference this season, I see a smattering of potential D-3 players...not one bonafide D-1 guy. That's how weak AK hs hockey is. Good luck with your dreams, parents. If the kid is good enough, he's already out of state.
If a kid is a dynamic puck-handler in the Cook Inlet Conference, he's getting his head taken off in the neutral zone in the NAHL, and isn't even getting to the blue line in the USHL. Don't bring that Alaska high school crap in here. He plays well in midgets at the Macs, maybe he's got a shot at juniors. Way it is...just sayin.
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