It's funny to me that many people of one particular political persuasion actually believe that people of an opposite political stripe are out to "destroy this country". That absolutely ridiculous hyperbole should be obvious to any thinking person, yet it becomes more prevalent each and every day. Obama wants to tear the U.S. down!!! That's funny shit.
Identifying a problem, raising it for discussion and trying to find a way to mitigate/fix it doesn't mean pinko commies like me want to destroy this country. From one perspective, it means that people like me who want to make things better are more patriotic than you. Certainly, some of you think that there is absolutely nothing wrong with anything. From my perspective, if you think everything is peachy then your head is in the sand.
There really is a myriad of social and cultural issues which, if we addressed, would make this place better for all of us. Health care for everyone should be on the same level as public education. I would go so far as to say it should be a basic human right. I'm not about to sit here and list all the faux-justifications that the anti-health care reform crowd is using to maintain the insurance industry status quo. I find it all very troubling. It makes me wonder about you all. What the fuck are you thinking by gobbling up all that tripe? Don't you see how much money they have at stake?
My guess is that we all believe the LIE that anyone can make it big in the U.S. That propaganda has been shoved down our throats since we were young. Ask anyone who has made it big and they'll tell you that without LUCK all their hard work might have ended fruitlessly. But because we all believe our ship will come in one day, we fear any change that some talking head tells us would be antithetical to that dream. But it's just a dream folks. Nobody reading this is going to become the next Bill Gates. Sorry to tell you. Statistically it just isn't going to happen.
Some of you have done very well no doubt. Some of you will do very well in the future. But that dream that you'll be mega rich is just a dream ... a fantasy.
My ex-girlfriend used to believe that she would one day be what she called "normal". The problem was that she what she thought was "normal" was actually exceptional. Maybe 2 percent of people in the world are actually in the state of being that she described as "normal". I'd launch here into a diatribe about the manipulation of our psyche's by media etc ... and blame this guy named Edward Bernays (a guy that you've never heard of but who shaped our modern culture more than any of single person EvAH!). But I'll save that for another time. Google his name if your curious.
The point is that our expectations are out of step with the reality of what is actually probable ... because we think in terms of possibility not probability. And those two things are dramatically different. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is possible. Science can't disprove/discount the possibility that his noodly appendages designed our world. The probability though that FSM did so is minute.
For now. Just watch Sicko. Please. I dare you to watch it and pay attention. It's an important time to pay attention if your a citizen of the U.S. I implore you to watch it.
And don't bother with asking me to stick to hockey. Refer to the This Is Not Your Father's Oldsmobile post from August 21st for my answer to that particular issue.
Today's Seawolf hockey content:
The incoming freshman attended the UAA women's volleyball opening games and provided cheerleading entertainment. There are pictures ... This would have never happened in the Soviet Union. I miss Leonid Brezhnev.