Naturally, I'm using the terms rape and murder as metaphors for plastering every Sioux player in view to the boards (i.e... raping them) and burying the puck with extreme prejudice (i.e... murder) at every opportunity. That's my keys to a Seawolf victories this weekend. Plain and simple. Outhit the team that thinks they are physical and tough. The Sioux players certainly believe they are tough. They have the penalty minutes to prove it this year and are consistently one of the penalty minute leaders in the WCHA. There isn't a year that they aren't characterized by the media as a physical team. The Seawolves should show them what physical play is all about. The rink at Ralphies joint is 15ft narrower than the Sully. The smaller Sioux team will be vulnerable targets. As a reminder UAA is the 2nd tallest and 6th heaviest team in the NCAA. For comparison UND is 36th tallest and 47th heaviest. This is as big a discrepancy in overall team size as UAA has seen all year. We've seen the Seawolves skate well with every other team in the league so we know they won't be outskated by the Sioux. If there was ever an opportunity to dominate another team with physical play and hitting; that opportunity is this weekend. The Seawolves need to hit and hit again and then hit them another time. Wear them down in all three zones. Give them a lesson in physical play that the fans in the Ralph will never forget. Rape them. If the Seawolves do that, then the chances for murder will present themselves and it's just a matter of pulling the trigger, burying the knife and cinching the garrote.
How can we Seawolf fans witness this potential felonious violence? It won't be at The Peanut Farm as I speculated in my previous post's comment section. I've spoken with the man in the know there and they no longer use anything other than commercial carriers to show games. Apparently the advent of DishTV and DirectTV in Alaska has obviated the need for discrete receiving systems. But fear not oh my hungry for something other than a webcast fans. I believe I have found the one possible solution. Steve's Sports Bar on Fireweed has an operational C-band receiver. I spoke with the proprietor at 4:30 today (as I'm typing this) and he says there is nothing on the channel right now but that he can receive that channel. I've indicated to him that there are many of you asking about this and he thinks if the game is on that he shouldn't have any problem. Of course that isn't a guarantee and I won't hold him to it. I explained the effort here and he asked me to call back tomorrow at 3:30 (or so) and he'd know for sure. My gut feeling is that it will work out. If you don't want to chance going to Steve's fine establishment then there are two webcasts available. One is from the Sioux and the other from UAA. Guess which one I'm going to link to? That's right ... click here to watch a webcast via the UAA Splash Zone. So please feel free to discuss and arrange to meet at Steve's Sports Bar for the games this weekend in the comments section. Friday's gametime is 4:37 and Saturday's is 4:07.
Donald, hanks for the calls to find out where we can watch the game!
We won't be able to make it for Friday, but we're up for Saturday.
I should be able to make it both nights.
Thanks for the information on where we can see the game. We will be there to see the Wolves win one on the road.
at least sioux fans dont refer to the hanging of 38 people a "good method"
You have got to be f#$^ing kidding me! Get some artificial light to drag you out of your sunlight deprivation-induced sense of "dark humor." You can try to justify your utterly inappropriate references with all of the "oh, I am merely using hyperbole and metaphor" disclaimers you wish -- they don't change a thing. Get a grip and prepare -- in a strictly ocean-dwelling creature/Aleutian beach reference metaphor sense -- to get your collective asses packed with sand!
Were going to teach those punks from Syracuse how to play...pound em,,let em know your there,stick um,...let em know your there,,pack there asses with sand,,,, let um know your there..Come at the dunlops...face a tire iron....first class from Alaska,,, Sincerely...Reg Dunlop...."The Chiefs"
"utterly inappropriate"?
Gee ... nobody from UMD complained about "How to beat a Bulldog" --- and I advocated using a 2 inch diameter willow branch. Nobody from UofM complained when I advocated using scoped rifle with high velocity ammunition. What's up with that? I'm so confused.
did you seriously compare killing a dog or gopher with a human being?
Oh I see; you mean it's OK to talk about the beating of an abstract dog-logo or to talk about blowing the head off an abstract rodent-logo with a high powered rifle but it isn't ok to talk about raping and murdering an abstract human-logo. I guess people find that "hostile and abusive"?
anon @719:
Get in touch with reality dumbass. UAA provides something to the league that NO OTHER school in the U.S. could provide. Each and every WCHA team ends up with EXTRA HOME GAMES as a result of UAA being in the league. Every team gets "exemptions" against their schedule that allows them to makes TENS OF THOUSANDS of Dollars that they would otherwise not see. That sort of upside will ensure that UAA continues to be a member of the league. A member who by the way provided the OVERWHELMING majority of travel costs for EVERY team that came here.
EVERY school in the WCHA has greatly benefitted financially from UAA's presence in the league. Your provincial fantasies about Bemidji "replacing" UAA are ridiculous in the extreme. Buy a fucking clue before you come to my blog and start in with that sort of IGNORANT claptrap. Putz.
Sioux Fans = PWND!
UAA provides something to the league that NO OTHER school in the U.S. could provide.
Is it not the same case for UA(F)?
Yes ... it's the same case for UA_. My bad. Instead of "U.S." I should have said "lower 48".
Yes ... it's the same case for UA_. My bad. Instead of "U.S." I should have said "lower 48".
Just giving you a hard time :D !
You are so dim my pathetic friend.
I didn't name nor do I support the use of Human's as Logo's. Instead it is YOU dumbass that supports it's use. YOU are the racist.
My post was intended to display exactly that fact. YOU support a team using a name that is frankly a Human Rights nightmare. Not me.
Try to wrap your insufficient brain around the fact that I made the post as an indictment of using Humans as nicknames/logos. YOU believe it's ok to do so because your ancestors almost wiped an entire race off the face of the Earth with your mandate from Yahweh to spread themselves west across the frontier.
It's likely that YOU don't even view the Sioux people as Human. They are something less than Human in your eyes aren't they? Go ahead and admit it. You're anonymous.
It was (and likely will reamain) one of the few reasonable comments to this post. Good on ya!
I am curious. Would you advocate raping and murdering the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame. If so, it appears you have some serious homicidal tendancies and may want to seriously consider getting some professional help. If not, I would suggest that you are the racist.
You could have used the same headline for UMD and UofM because we all know you guys in Alaska have raped and murdered a bulldog and gopher. Thinking it is OK to post a blog like this one shows that the lack of sunlight and bitter cold can finally get to a person. By the way, PETA hates you too. I didn't name nor do I support the use of Animals as Logos. I sure hope you never play the Fighting Irish. You have embarassed your state, university and hockey team and I'm going to try not to believe that everyone in Alaska feels the way you do.
anon @923:
Would that be like the 2-1-1 record UAA posted last year against the Sioux?
If I was writing about the "Fighting Irish" as an opponent in the same sort of venacular then I'd probably bust their chops about being Drunken Leprechauns in some manner. As to the question of whether I'm the "racist" here you are completely and entirely barking up the wrong tree. A simple search of this blog regarding my past statements about your school co-opting Native American imagery will show you that. I've been an advocate from DAY 1 of the Sioux nickname controversy that the use is "hostile and abusive". I have an Internet history of the opposition. Ask Patrick Miller.
Anon @ 957:
The continued use of symbology stolen from a subjigated race of aboriginal people is a RACIST act. Supporting that use is RACISM by proxy. North Dakotans should be ashamed of the way they've treated the Sioux peoples for the last 200 years. And rather than sticking them on reservations and creating pandering miniscule programs to educate them, you all ought to be do something substantial to alleviate the ongoing suffering that your presence on their lands has created. And lastly, everything I type here is "my" opinion. I am responsible for what I say and I stand by every word.
Writing what I did might certainly be controversial in some way but it was done to cast light on the shit that the white man has heaped upon the original inhabitants of North Dakota. Shit that continues through the use of a decapitated head of those people as a symbol. If the people of North Dakota were truly interested in honoring the Sioux peoples then they would use get permission for and use some symbol CREATED by a people that have a long history of artistic symbology in their heritage. White people got it mostly right by the time we got to Alaska. Nativie Americans here are respected, honored and viewed as equals. My state provided methods and means for Alaska Natives to integrate themselves into our culture while encouraging and allowing them to maintain their culture. North Dakotans have not done so. It mostly isn't the fault of this generation of white Dakotans but I sure don't see any effort to make up for the wrongs of the past. Until North Dakotans quit with their hubris and eliminate the grotesque symbol of a decapitated aboriginal Sioux warrior then there is little hope that they will ever take the necessary steps to right 200 years of wrongs.
whats up adolf hitler? Im just hear to say that UAA will soon be out of the WCHA cuz lets face it, teams dread goin up there, and its a waste, bottom dweller in the league for ever. they shoudl join up the candain teams. I say bemidji vs uaa best out of 7 to see whose in the wcha. u should come to gf and we will show u a good time..a real wcha school and atmosphere
Donald you are a psychologists dream. QUACK QUACK QUACK!
Anon @ 1122:
Oh the sweet irony of a fan UND who's largest donation in history came from a professed Naziophile coming here and calling me Adolph Hitler.
You are a treasure and fine example of Godwin's Law. Thank you so much for your comment.
Once again .... I "own" UND fans!
It always amazes me how many Sioux fans live all over the country. What could account for that fact?
Hmmmm ... anyone got any guesses?
and um ....
Quack Quack Quack?
Are you seriously pretending you have something adult to add to this conversation and at the same time alluding that I'm Donald Duck? Are you honestly that immature? OMFG ... I think you must be. I wasn't quite right in the first case when I pointed out how much of an embarrassment to Sioux fans you are. You're an embarrassment to every 12 year old smart ass picking on his schoolmates. At least they are more creative than you quack at someone in some ridiculous attempt to insult them.
Want a lesson in insulting? Here ya go ...
Your brain would likely be minimally adequate for the survival of a newt. How it possibly managed to become sentient enough to compose words is as much a miracle as Jesus Christ walking on water. The fact that it apparently became cognizant enough to type something just a bit higher than gibberish is something to be congratulated. But then again what you've really done here isn't much more difficult than when the rest of us wipe our ass. You really should crawl back into your Commerce City dumpster before I completely and totally humiliate your wretched vile existence.
See ... that's how it's done. Not Quack Quack Quack you dunder-headed amoeba.
Teams dread going up there? Idiot. How is a 5 hour bus ride from the airport thru the wastelands of hell to your arena better than landing alongside the scenic mountains and ocean surrounding Anchorage? We don't belong in the wcha?? Idiot. You must get that a lot.
Well, now I'm REALLY convinced that National Geographic was right!
Couple of responses to points made in this string, this from a non-UAA OR Siouxage fan:
1. Dummy at 11:22 AM writes about wanting UAA soon out of the WCHA. Get real...not gonna happen. Teams do not "dread" going up there, and in fact as blogger pointed out, it gives other WCHA schools a financial bonanza. We all know money talks these days, and to turn UAA away would be akin to burning $20 bills. BTW genius, with the new agreement to have the WCHA build in a rotating scheduling format with BSU (starting in 2010) to keep their program alive basically, BSU will not be joining our league anytime soon. The recent agreement proves that.
2. While blogger is passionate about the UND logo, it does not bother me all that much, comparatively. That being said, blogger makes some prety valid points about racism, murder, and the symbology of that history via the logo. I also see no Siouxage fans posting on that topic..only personal attacks, probably cuz you have no rebuttal. Get the Sioux tribe to endorse said logo (or a modification if need be) and I'd have no problem with the use. I guess its a moot point, since the agreement calls for a 3-year use window of current logo...without written Sioux tribe consent. After said window and with no endorsement from the tribe, the logo will have to go anyway, or UND risks no NCAA-sanctioned events (tourneys) ever at UND. Clock is ticking...
Oh Donald, So you dont want to rape and murder the Sioux people, Ill give ya that. But does that mean you want to rape and murder the UND athletic teams? Pretty sick and tasteless if you ask me.
Tick tock.
Well said. GO SEAWOLVES!!!!
DonnyBoy..is anybody meeting at Steves for the game at 430...????
n. A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse.
Unfortunately the federal government allowed the raping and pillaging of the Sioux people. Using this tragedy as a metaphor for what Donald wants his team to do to UND is hardly racist. UND is the one using a group of people as their mascot. As a Sioux descendent, I am more offended by UND's "Sioux" mascot then I am by Donald's attempt at humor. Go Seawolves!! :)
I'll be going. I don't think there'll be a big turnout tonight since I can't guarantee it'll be on. But I'll be calling Steve's after 3:30 and I'll leave a comment here on whether it looks to be a go.
Hey Don I'm sure your a big fan of the song "so much cooler on line" you sit and hide behind your computer with logic like that is an embarassment to UAA hockey. As one of many native americans that support the Sioux name I would love to run into you in GF. Thats an invitation! Punk ass bitch
Since I don't hide behind anonymity I'm readily accessible for any such encounter my friend.
Should I ever be fortunate enough to make the trip to "Grand" Forks for a series you'll be able to read about it here.
With that being the case you won't find it difficult to locate me I assure you.
Unlike the generation that has followed mine, I don't use the Internet to create a "persona" or "hide" who I really am. You have a discussion with me in real life and it won't be much different that this one.
And if you're intent is a physical confrontation then I can assure you I'll represent. See you then.
I am so sad I can't look at blogs at work, this is definately the blop post of the week. Bravo.
If bemidji state were to play in the wcha, they would be on the bottom of the standings too. This team lost to Wayne State 5-2 earlier this season. UAA thumped Wayne State 5-2 in the Nye Frontier Classic earlier in the season. And Wayne State is a team that UAA senior Merit Waldrop called the worst team he played (that wasnt in an exhibition game) in his Seawolf career. So i'm confident that UAA would have no problem with the beavers
STEVE'S SPORTS BAR IS A NO GO! He has nothing but noise on the TV. Don't go there!
Bryce is starting tonight. Good luck guys!
The Sioux feed is beamed via KU band, not C band. You could pick it up with a big dish, but would need a KU band lnb, and a receiver capable of high frequency.
Thats why you dont live alaska where your miles from anything you pos
I'm watching on Splash Zone, but it's teeny tiny!
anon at 11:52 UAA is the only team that makes that drive than because you can fly right in to the airport in grand forks, or fargo moron. UAA probably doesnt have enough money from the tourists since thats they only people that spend money around there.
Shildo? Really? lol
Go Wolves,
So you are saying that someone poking fun at an event where your ancesstors were raped and murdered by the dozens less offensive than a school who gives free tuition to native americans and focuses on the good parts in Native history?
Isn't history fun! Don, the logo was created by a Native American artist, but if memory serves me correctly, not a man of Sioux heritage. Of course the old logo was not.
Most of my family lives in Devils Lake, the little town near Spirit Lake Sioux Nation. Having many cousins of Sioux decent the name/logo issue is hardly an issue at all for the common person affiliated with the tribe. I know some who like it, some who dislike it, and many who couldn't care less. Concerns of theirs are much more real.
The basis for the people who oppose it is the word "Sioux." Which history tells us is a French slur similar to calling a person a snake. Every "Sioux" person I happen to know refers to themselves as such. But the higher ups in the tribe would prefer to use their traditional term "Lakota," instead of the name the Federal Gov. chose for them.
I recently read an article authored by a full-blooded Sioux man who supported the use of the name/logo. He felt the best way to deal with the ongoing issue was to have a vote open to anyone of Sioux heritage.
In my opinion, judging by my experiences growing up spending much of my summers in Devils Lake and with people of Sioux decent, not a large percentage of people would vote or care.
Just thought I would try to give you a factual account of the issue from NoDak. People in GF are easy to have their panties in a bunch about alot of things, but especially their beloved hockey program, which I also love. Again, IMO, I could care less what the name/logo is, drop the puck and let's play some fucken hockey.
Personally found your blog intersting, certainly controversial, but proof that even fans of an opposing team can hurt already bruised race relations in my state, because it is a problem. My previous boss grew up in Anchorage and it didn't sound as though everything is peachy keen up there either. Funny how some people get so bent out of shape about history, though you WERE casting for a fish that fights and you succeeded in owning even my time...touche`. I apologize for my lack of college education and any spelling or grammar errors. Truthiz a bitch
You've got nothing to apologize for. You made the best comment of anyone from your state.
Of course my post meant to twist panties. That's what this whole "fandom on the internet" thing is all about. I too once was less than enthused about taking any side particularly with regard to the NCAA/Sioux logo/name controversy. Until the dearth of illogically passionate but insipidly stupid arguments for keeping it coming out of GF changed my mind.
Thanks for giving the Sioux something to post in the locker room. Otherwise, this weekend might have lulled them to sleep.
Have fun in 10th place!
anon 2 6:30?? Idiot. Lulled to sleep? I believe that even though your team did win tonite, they should not have. We OUTPLAYED THE HELL OUT OF THE SIOUX tonite.
a win is a win is a win
anon 7:17:
The 'WOLVES definitely outplayed the Sioux in the 2nd and the outcome was not just. But can you please tell me, in detail, on how YOU outplayed the Sioux? I did let out a good cheer after Oshie's goal and I want to think I had a part in the outcome, but lets be honest with ourselves....Sorry to bring us one step back to reality.
Check your facts SFB, the University of North Dakota DID receive the blessing of tribal leaders to use the Fighting Sioux nickname decades ago. Unfortunately, the less than 1/10th of 1% of enrolled tribal members who are currently in power see a great way to make a power play with the issue -- but not to the point that they can risk their status as a federally recognized tribe. Although Alaskans have sold their souls for oil and gold $$ to the feds, the Sioux have unfortunately been trapped by a moniker that is a holdover of western expansion -- and fuzzy historical "meaning." That being said, does fairness require that the Sioux (Lakota, Nakota and Dakota, that is) give the parts of Iowa, Minnesota and North Dakota they controlled in the late 1700's and early 1800's back to the Mandan, Arikara, Hidatsa and the ethnically cleansed Blackfeet (then probably the Nez Perce', too?) they displaced (in a very heavy-handed, violent manner, typically) as they moved west? As [Fighting Sioux] green as I bleed (and it is NOT that ugly-ass Seawolves green with piss-yellow accents, either), I am sad to say that our hockey tradition is prouder than our nickname tradition. We have been kicking ass on the Wolverines and Gophers and all other comers for 50 years now (not as consistently in all eras, admittedly -- although we were 1-0 after our first tilt with Michigan!). To have someone as "enlightened" as you besmirch that history -- even if in support of a team far better than their record indicates (especially the past two seasons!) -- makes it clear it is time to move on. I suppose the next issue will be that the latter half of North Dakota is too "hostile and abusive" for the NCAA. If and when the NCAA moves its HQ from "Indian"-apolis "Indian"-a, then we will listen to those pompous fucks. BTW, anonymous postings are a result of some of us not wanting to sign up for accounts with the government's biggest patsy of late, Google. Hey, just because we're paranoid doesn't mean the world isn't out to get us!
I personally did not have any part in the outcome. For the love of God, i can't even skate. The wolves did deserve to win as they outplayed the Sioux in the 2nd and the 3rd period. We got robbed of a goal, but we should have scored others to win. It was a good game, but a great game would have been a win for us. haha.
Holy Shit Donald Dunlop!! Drink and blog much? I've noticed that you like using the term "provincial" any chance that you get. I'll stick with one of my favorite words to describe your pre UAA-UND series blog...ASININE. Why would you choose to write about something in which it's obvious you know little about?, i.e., the Sioux logo issue. If all you were doing was fishing, try to have at least a tiny bit of class.
With that being said, UAA obviously outplayed the Sioux tonight, but came up with the loss.
Keep your head up IDIOT:) (Just in case the "idiot" reference went over your head, I was just poking at you for rebutting posters comments that don't agree with you by calling them an idiot.
The only poster called idiot was
anon at 11:22 am. He was not called that because he did not agree with Donald. Read his post. Enough said.
Get the brooms out, The FIGHTING SIOUX SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!! Take that Double D, the Sioux are now in 2nd place and guess what? Your C-wolves are still in last place.
man sioux fans r worse than gopher fans.
Hey Punk, we weren't the ones talking smack before this series started....but we swept and showed Double D how to keep his trap shut. I mean seriously, if there is any team in the WCHA that should NOT talk smack, it should be AA fans. Until you step up and compete at this high level year after year and actually finish in the top 7 for once, keep your gums shut!
Hugges & Kisses,
Fighting Sioux - #8 in 08
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