I'm told that Lyle Woods will indeed be back behind the microphone as the Seawolves announcer at the Sullivan Arena this season. That's a nice bit of confirmation to the rumor I mentioned last post. Lyle's moderated enthusiasm, excellent enunciation, vocal projection and overall style were missed last season.
Good on the coupla blokes who stepped in and gave it an honorable shot. Lyle is just a tough act to follow. Welcome back Lyle. Thanks to any and all that had something to do with ensuring this happened.
The Seawolves annual "Meet and Greet" Picnic will be held Sunday August 29th from 1-3pm on campus at the Lucy Cuddy Center. The UAA release says,
Be sure to bring your memorabilia and autograph books to get signed by the players. The Seawolf hockey team and coaching staff will be on hand to mingle and answer questions.
Bring a side dish, salad or dessert to add to the potluck. Hamburgers, hot dogs, all the fixings, sodas, water are provided courtesy of the Seawolf Athletic Association Hockey Committee.
So bounce on out when church is finished and head to the UAA campus for some burgers and dogs. I won't promise I'll be there but I probably will. Ask me later. The world needs more picnics doesn't it?
Speaking of picnics; I came across what seems to me what must surely be one of the big issues with which our city administrators should concern themselves. The picture below was taken west of Earthquake Park near the intersection with Postal Drive. I know ... so no big deal right? A picnic table along the coastal trail is perfectly reasonable. And I'd agree until I noticed something.
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Best Fucking Picnic Table eVaH ... |
That picnic table is the fucking king of all picnic tables. Look at that bad boy? It's freaking stainless steel. Nice right? It's a killer picnic table. All other picnic tables bow to that picnic table.
I've ridden by and utilized numerous picnic tables along Anchorage's extensive bike trails. Up until seeing this table, they've all been wooden or that clanky aluminum shit. That table in the picture .. Rolls Royce. Nuff said.
Then why is clearly the best damned picnic table in the entire city of Anchorage sitting out past Earthquake Park where maybe six or eight butts a day get to enjoy it's awesome quality. I sat on that baby. It rocks. It's stainless steel ... I said that right? It's sitting on a historically slowly but steadily disintegrating bluff. See the sign?
So if you're working for the trails or parks department of whatever and reading this. Move that sweet-ass picnic table somewhere that lots of people's butts can enjoy it's stellar quality. I bet Lyle Woods has never had the pleasure of sitting at that picnic table.
You're all quite welcome for my vigilance on this issue. Bringing important local political issues to your attention is just a sidebar to the always excellent hockey coverage I provide. Thank me if you must by clicking the "Chip In" button located in the right hand column. It's quick, easy and mostly painless; above all it makes me happy.
Excellent news about Lyle coming back! Thanks to all, and especially Lyle!!
Hey Donald. I have sort of a strange request. Can you post a picture of your feet? It's my birthday...
Um ... Happy Birthday and all ... but no.
Please! puck swami over on the DU site was nice enough to give me a little taste...
We missed you Lyle, welcome back!
Dear Anonymous Foot Fetishist,
As feet go mine are really quite striking. I have no doubt staring at them would give you endless hours of pleasure. I'd actually be more than happy to accede to your polite request. I will provide a high resolution (2mg+) photograph of my feet (in the grass ...) for the nominal donation of $50 via the "Chip In" located in the right hand column.
I'll give $10 for um... ($25 if you ship me a a nice framed copy) For real! I'd also due $12 for an electronic fully nude and a bikini pic (that means flip flops).
When you're serious you'll donate $50.
Damn typos! Let's try this again.. I don't want to see your tooties Donald, but I'll donate again if you lick that picnic table when it's 10 below... or if you sit at it with your bare buns when the winter winds are blowing. ;) ~LOL~
There's a nice full-page Q&A with Coach Shyiak in the latest version (Aug. 17, 2010) of the UAA Northern Light. It's not available on-line yet though. I just checked & they still have the July issue up. :o(
new roster is up, article to go along with it...
Ha finally, on the first day of classes too.
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