Dedicated and hard-working 4 year players should get their due and Luke certainly deserves this honor. Joining Luke in leadership roles as Assistant Captains are seniors Peter Cartwright and Blair Tassone who's hard work over their first three seasons has been equally valuable. A third Assistant Captain was also named with junior Mat Robinson filling that role. The experience that these four upperclassmen bring to their leadership roles will be important facets for team success in the upcoming season. The official press release notes that all four appointments were made by team vote including input from the coaching staff.
I think these are pretty obvious choices when you consider these 4 players have 246 WCHA games between them. I can't imagine that every player on the squad doesn't look up to Luke both in terms of his physical presence and in terms of his effort on the ice. Congatulations to Luke, if he can in any way measure up to the inspiration and leadership that Charlie Kronschnabel showed last year, then the team is in fine shape with him wearing the "C".
I figured Waldrop would at least get the "A" slapped on his jersey this year. But it's no surprise that luke got the "C". Next tuesday everyone should pick up a copy of the Northern Light. it's going to have my first hockey story. It will be a preview of the Nye Frontier Classic and also have some other tidbits in it
Right on! It'll be good to see. I'll link to it from here as well.
Congrats Luke. Well deserved.
Billy Smith was named co-captain at NMU
Good for Billy. I hope he's happy there. The grass is not always greener ...
Billy Smith's gonna tear it up down it there.
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