This week the tale of the tape shows us that UAA is about half an inch taller and almost 6lbs heavier. Last week the Seawolves were more than an inch taller but only 3lbs heavier than Fairbanks. The physical game was one aspect last week where UAA dominated. I'd have to assume that this weekend we should see a similar story develop. There's not a lot of reason to expect that the Seawolves won't have their way in that department. Conventional wisdom (which I pretty much always dislike) pegs the Mavericks as in a rebuilding year. My question is ... who the hell isn't in a rebuilding year pretty much every year in the WCHA. Maybe 2 teams this year? So conventiontial wisdom is worth a spit and that's about it. UAA is a tad bit older than MSU-M but game experience is probably pretty close. They've got 7 upperclassmen skating and UAA has 9. They've got 9 sophomores on the roster and UAA has 8.
So what to expect? If you'd done your Chuck "The Bayonne Bleeder" Wepner research then you would have learned that he was a 70's boxer who was a notoriously difficult opponent. His unorthodox style meant he'd throw punches from unusual angles and at unusual times. If you nailed him with a good shot he'd come up smiling and you were more likely to bloody him than knock him down. That's what Mankato (errr ... Chuck Wepner University) is like. Sound a bit like Rocky Balboa? That'd be because Wepner was the Philadelphia boxer on whom the story was based. Loosely of course, since Wepner ended up cauliflower-eared and punch drunk.
If you haven't clicked on the "Bitty Browser" to the right to find out the answer to "What the Hell is a Seawolf" then do so or just click here. It's really just an email Q&A from LGM to me. Lastly, I'll break my no Alumni coverage here rule this one time to point you to another blog where a bunch of my words showed up. Bethanys Hockey Rants has a profile of former Seawolf Curtis Glencross and she quoted me from the emails we'd exchanged. She's now officially a UAA fan. I added a link to her in my Other Hockey Blogs links even though she buried a link to me! I tease.
Isn't our school song: "U-A-A U-A-A We Are the Seawolves and we're ready to play" ???
No. That's just a stupid old TV commercial. I've never found a reference anywhere for an actual UAA School Song.
Sadly, I have that god-awful "U-A-A" song on my computer somewhere.
I've always wished that UAA'd get a pep band and a fight song put together.
Perhaps when the new barn is built, the athletic department will "turn the page" on UAA history and embrace a more "college-like" atmosphere at the sporting events. You know, a unified student section, pep band, various kooky traditions, an impassioned fight song -- you know, the whole nine.
Donald, an old time hockey booster was talking about that song last night, just before you showed up in the booster room. He said they hired someone to write it, and it is the official school song.
Well that's embarrassing. The official school song is a TV jingle? It is obviously geared toward marketing (i.e ... lyrics that say "come on out to the party cause the Seawolves have a game to play").
I won't ever "claim" it.
No better way to start a pep band then to post it in your blog. I have tamborine and a kazoo, let's get this party started. No use bitchin' if you ain't willing to fix it yourself!
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